International Women's Day'22 Celebrations @ Truminds
Mar 08, 2022
Truminds celebrated the special occasion of International Women’s_Day in style. The event was conducted virtually and was attended by all members of the Truminds family globally. The event kicked off with an ensemble video of many of our women employees followed by most of them sharing their thoughts & experiences at Truminds.
On this special evening, we had Shalini Arora Kochhar, President – India Business Council in Monaco, as our Guest of honour. Shalini is a social celebrity and an influential speaker, she was a contestant in the Miss India pageant. Talking about her journey, she expressed her learnings that presenting an image of perfection is one of the steps to being successful. Challenges like marriage and childbirth to her, meant that she had to work harder than ever to maintain a work life balance while playing multiple roles as a businesswoman, wife & mother but she never looked back & continued her journey to become a successful life coach in Monaco.
She talked about “Network is Net Worth”, saying that the connections she made in her life helped her in one way or another towards being a successful entrepreneur in the principality of Monaco which has a scarce Indian population.
After the amazing address from Shalini, we had a beautiful Bharatanatyam performance by Swati Mittal, which received accolades from everyone. Charu Vij, quoted the importance of creating a friendly workspace conducive to the free expression of self, while Aradhana, added on how Truminds encourages women to express themselves by providing a healthy work culture and the power to bring about change. Adding on, Priyansha stressed on how this is not a #women_empowerment_day but rather a day to remember that while women are already empowered, there is a lot to be done yet. We also had Sangeeta Vij, Sulekha Malik, Sanyam Gabha, Monika Gulati and few other powerful women who have shared their wonderful experiences.
It was an amazing event to witness various forms of awesomeness that we have within our Truminds family.
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