
End-to-end Data delivery via Satellite and MEF compliant UT

Sep 19, 2024

Truminds has been successfully working with one of the World’s Leading Satellite player, on their cutting-edge ground segment software and on simulating their satellite on-board platform. It is an interesting and exciting project...

Emotional Quotient based Conversational AI

Aug 28, 2024

Effective sales and strategic talent acquisition are key functions pivotal to any organization's success. However, with the shift from offline to online interactions, there have been new challenges for businesses making it complex to interpret...


Digital Platform for Management Consultants powered by Truminds

Aug 9, 2024

In today's digital & connected world, digital platforms have become powerful tools for accelerating time to market (TTM) and increasing revenues. In line with this evolution, Truminds has successfully developed and delivered...

Enhancing Operational Efficiency with Smart Factory leveraging IIoT and Digital Twins technology

Aug 2, 2024

The advent of Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing the industrial landscape enhancing the operational efficiencies by reducing the costs and increasing the profit margins. This Smart Factory project leveraging Truminds IIoT expertise...


Transforming a Vision into a Career Goal with a AI based futuristic solution

Jul 19, 2024

In today's digital and connected world, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool for delivering numerous use-cases along with applications for shaping up and building career development...


Revolutionizing Solar Solutions through a Channel Partner Platform – Harnessing the power of Digital for a better future!!

Jul 18, 2024

Solar Solutions are becoming a common sight globally, as renewable energy continues to lead energy transformation. To one of our clients who is also a leading APAC based Power and Solar energy specialist, we have successfully...


Development of Vblog Analysis Platform leveraging Artificial Intelligence

Jun 05, 2024

In this ever changing Digital and Connected world, the latest cutting edge technologies are playing a key role in disrupting various sectors. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing...


Channel Partner Platform Development: Supercharging the Sales Ecosystem

May 22, 2024

Seamless and efficient sales management is a cornerstone of success for any business in this technology driven world. For one of the Leading APAC based Electronics and Automation Company we have designed and developed...


Enhancing User Experience with Network Monitoring Solutions

May 15, 2024

Ensuring optimal network performance, fast troubleshooting of issues, and providing superior user experience are key priorities for any telecom service provider and network monitoring solutions are the essential tools...


Enhancing Employee Background Verification Processes leveraging AI/ML !!

Apr 19, 2024

Driven by rapid technological advancements and a change in global workstyles, background verification (BGV) is undergoing a significant transformation in today’s times. Hiring the right talent has become very important...


The Future of Home Automation: Home Lifestyle Management System

Apr 01, 2024

In today's Digital and Connected world, the usage of technology has extended beyond our mobile devices to our very own home appliances. The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) has given birth to a new era of smart home applications...


Truminds @ Unlocking 5G-ORAN Potential and Delivering Industry's first O-RAN Tester

Feb 24, 2024

ORAN (Open Radio Access Network) is an initiative in the telecommunications industry that aims to standardize and virtualize the components of the radio access network (RAN) in mobile networks. Traditionally...


Smart Factory: Modernizing Industrial Landscape leveraging IIoT & Digital Twins

Feb 22, 2024

In the modern industrial landscape, a smart factory can significantly enhance operational efficiencies which reduces costs and increases profit margins. The Smart Factory project leveraging Truminds IIoT expertise is focused...


Enabling Digital Transformation with Holistic Content Management

Feb 16, 2024

Truminds is revolutionizing the handling of dynamic content across various platforms for businesses with global presence. Our proficiency empowers businesses to transition digitally, enhance operational efficiency...


Leveraging transport network technologies for RAN slicing

Feb 08, 2024

From an end-to-end network slicing viewpoint, it is important to note that the transport network itself needs to be sliced. Slicing within the transport network is a vast and interesting topic by itself. However, our focus here is on...


IoT enabled Workflow Management System for Seamless Office Operations

Jan 08, 2024

IoT, or the Internet of Things, refers to the network of interconnected devices and other objects embedded with sensors, software, and network connectivity. This web of interconnected devices performs beyond the obvious...


IR Blaster Mobile Application for controlling IoT Enabled Home Entertainment Components

Dec 13, 2023

How many of us wanted to control everything around us by just waving our wand? All of us, we can safely bet and thanks to IoT and other latest cutting-edge technologies for making this happen in today’s Digital World...

Truminds - Supercharging Recruitment with Social Media

Nov 15, 2023

In recent years, the hiring landscape has undergone a significant transformation with the integration of social media into the recruitment process. Social media has emerged as a strategic tool for Talent Hiring specialists to connect...

Cybersecurity for the Digital Age

Oct 13, 2023

Digitization drives growth and viability for all types of companies across sectors. It touches every aspect of business, from customer engagement to internal operations, helping companies adapt to business challenges...

Design and Development of Cloud Native Converged Core Solution

Oct 12, 2023

Truminds has successfully designed, developed and delivered Cloud-Native Converged Core solution for next generation of Wireless Networks for a leading US based Network Solution provider for ORAN and Core Networks...

Slicing the RAN: Architecture, roles and responsibilities

Oct 04, 2023

O-RAN reference slicing architecture includes slice management functions along with O-RAN architectural components. As O-RAN’s general principle is to be as compliant as possible with 3GPP architecture, these slice management...

Network Slicing Architecture and the Non-RT RIC

Aug 24, 2023

It is well known that the concept of network enables running multiple logical, customized networks on a shared common infrastructure.These logical, customized networks need to comply with agreed SLAs for various...

RAN slicing - Why is it needed and how can it be leveraged?

Jun 15, 2023

End users today are ready for a wider range of telecommunication based services: e.g: voice, video, data, IOT, autonomous driving, gaming etc. The true power of 5G lies in being able to provide these services...

TruConnect by Truminds - Transforming Insights into True Actions

Jun 08, 2023

Truminds’ IoT and Big Data Analytics platform, TruConnect is one of its most advanced offerings today that helps customers go from data to insights to actions with minimum effort and maximum value...

Serverless IoT Platform for monitoring Private Aircraft Hangars and Connected Devices

Apr 17, 2023

Adoption of latest cutting-edge technologies like IoT, AI/ML, AR/VR etc. have a significant impact on various industries including the aviation sector which has always been at the forefront of major changes and is the focus...

Breaking New Ground With 5G ORAN Solution

Feb 03, 2023

Truminds is successfully delivering 5G ORAN (Open Radio Access Network) where we are involved in the design, implementation and testing of multiple simulated components like E2 node network, Individual CUs, DUs and the...

Data Privacy: Keeping private data, private!

Jan 31, 2023

Data is the new oil and just as with fossil fuels, data is both the cause and effect of a massive transformation going on in various industries and areas of our life. From your wearable smartwatch to your tax records to your communication...

AI & NLP Driven Identity Profiling and Realtime Search

Jan 04, 2023

With data privacy laws becoming an acceptable norm across geographies, eliminating the storage of PII (Personal Identifiable Information) is one of the biggest challenges that companies working in social/identity...

Unlocking the potential of Digital Twin Technology – Wireless Enterprise
Networking as a Solution (NaaS)

Nov 22, 2022

Truminds is partnering with a US based niche startup to provide enterprise-grade, reliable wireless networking as a solution, majorly focusing on commercial and enterprise customers. The idea is to provide them...

Importance of Mental Health - Being Mindful of Your Mind!!

Nov 15, 2022

In today’s increasingly stressful world, it is no wonder that we sometimes end up suffering from mental health issues. We rarely see enough importance being given to mental health, especially in terms of overall wellness and quality of life...

Security by Design in the Digital and Connected World

Oct 28, 2022

The internet is undoubtedly the most important human invention of the 20th century, and probably the most critical one ever, which we realized especially during the pandemic when the entire world could connect with each other...

TruCore (Truminds 5G Core Network Technology Solution) now supports N3IWF

Oct 10, 2022

Truminds State-of-the-Art Licensable Technology Solution – TruCore, now has N3IWF (Non 3GPP Interworking Function). TruCore is known for its High performance user traffic handling and forwarding engine for multi-Gbps...

Digital Platform for Management Consultants powered by Truminds

Aug 02, 2022

Any successful solution should efficiently resolve the problem statement and also be self-sustaining, with minimal maintenance involved. This is where the Management Consultant platform developed by Truminds scores big...

IoT enabled Digital-First Building Management System

Jul 05, 2022

Modern buildings need Modern systems to run and optimize costs without affecting the efficiency. As smart building technologies continue to advance, the role of building management systems (BMS) is transforming...

Enriching Insights through a Real-Time Network Analytics Platform

Jun 24, 2022

Truminds developed a Real Time Network Analytics platform, for the World’s Leading Testing, Monitoring & Network Analytics company, with End-to-End visibility of services of wireless networks having Multi-Technology...

Real-time Conversational AI based Sentiment Analysis System

Jun 15, 2022

Truminds is developing a Conversational AI/ML solution leveraging its strong domain expertise in latest cutting-edge technologies for a US based Niche AI Company. Development of this AI/ML based Sentiment Analysis system...

Leveraging AI for developing Test Automation Labs

Apr 14, 2022

Truminds focuses on delivering solutions that solve the business problems for the long term and today, we will discuss one such solution. Our client is a Telecommunications Network Equipment Provider...

Simplifying Life Basics for ADHD/Autistic Children

Mar 31, 2022

Individuals lying on the autistic spectrum or those with ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) often have trouble to learn new skills. Given the effect and extent of the disorders, getting such children...

TruCore: Truminds’ Core Network Technology Solution - Above and Beyond

Mar 14, 2022

When you hear “5G”, you instantly associate it with “super-fast mobile internet” and generally, that’s all you think of. However, that’s not 5G is all about, building 5G networks takes so much behind-the-scenes infrastructure...

IoT enabled Smart Factory, Powered by Truminds

Feb 09, 2022

Smart Factories that are emerging today in this Digital & Connected world, foreshadow the intelligent industry of the future as we are already witnessing major transformations in the Industrial sector...

TruCore: Truminds 5GUPF now supports HA (High Availability)

Nov 22, 2021

5G UPF is part of TruCore, Truminds' 5G Core Network Technology Solution. Here is another Truminds blog on 5G from one of our Senior Solution Architect, where he talks about implementing High Availability (HA) in Truminds 5G UPF.

Transforming Education: Adapting to the Online World

Oct 19, 2021

The pandemic forced the shift from offline to online education methods. While creating intuitive solutions to enable continuation of education and to prevent any fraud & malpractices during examinations has become a concern...

Addressing Mental Health in Today’s Times

Nov 20, 2021

Today, we rarely see enough importance being given to mental health, especially in terms of overall wellness and quality of life. However, we at Truminds pay due emphasis on employee's mental health...

Gender Diversity and Inclusion in Tech industry:
Living by Merit as an Equal Opportunity Employer

Oct 11, 2021

Diversity is a ubiquitous word, especially when it comes to gender diversity. Every industry in every walk of life is striving towards bringing equality to gender inclusiveness. The necessity of gender diversity, particularly in tech...

TruCore: Truminds 5G UPF now runs in 6WINDGate as a plugin

Apr 08, 2021

Truminds now has 5G UPF which runs as a plugin in 6WindGATE too apart from running as a plugin in VPP, and natively as a DPDK or pure linux sockets based application. First of all, let’s see how the software is really organized...

TruCore: Truminds 5G Core Network Technology Solution supports

Feb 01, 2021

UPF stands for the User Plane Function. It is a 5G network function which routes traffic from mobile side to internet and vice versa. You can imagine that a UPF must handle packets from tens and thousands of mobiles if not more...